Ok so first no flaming pls i'm just trying to contribute or atleast tell noobs like me who don't know how to find and add an item in their server how to do it.
1.Finding the item ID-go to let's say wowhead and browse to an item which you want to add to your character,another character ,or a custom vendor.
2.Now look at the adress bar there you should see something like http://www.wowhead.com/?item='numbers which actually are the item ID'
Here's the image hope it makes it clear for everyone
3.Now when you know the item ID go in your server and add it somewhere.This is done differently in different cores.Here is the ArcEmu command:
ArcEmu: .additem 'item ID'
Thank you for reading my first guide and pls don't be very hard on me with your comments.I just hope it's not a repost.

Wow Slot Ids App


Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Assult, Oct 27, 2013. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Anyone know the ID of the. Convergence of Fates' id is 140806, and the bonus 3514 will give you an 875 normal item. If you select item versions and choose another ilvl, the bonuses will change accordingly, including gem sockets.

Item Slot Ids Wow

You may obtain the IDs either by calling GetInventorySlotInfo, ContainerIDToInventoryID, or from the table below. Note that you should never use these values in AddOns, since they may change. Use GetInventorySlotInfo (invSlotName) to get the current mapping. Inventory slots refer to a unique equipment or bag slot. For equipment, slot names are resolved to a slot id constant with GetInventorySlotInfo. This gives Blizzard more flexibility to change slot ids. InventorySlotName also doubles as a GlobalString Graphical Explanation (Classic) Example.