The effect is relatively minor but if you want to update your version of the file you should only need to copy over the equations in the Slot 8 and Slot 9 tabs for those characters; the main page was unaffected. Update 11/21/18 #2: found a missing upgrade for Celeste, thanks u/Kaillos. Upgrading your gear with the next level MOD is simple and quick. All you need to do is drop the new MOD on top of the old one or remove the existing MOD if you want to keep it and slot the new one. If you decide to drop the new MOD on top of the old it will destroy the old MOD. Removing the old MOD will incur a cost but allow you to use it. Cryptic sees this and has put together a list of Veterans Rewards for anyone who's been a Champions Online subscriber. Rewards are issued everyone 100 days of active subscription on your account. To learn more about the Veteran Rewards program and eligibility requirements, check out the Veteran Rewards FAQ below. Let me put it to you bluntly, as it stands, rank 8 and 9 mods give a pitiful boost to stats when compared to the effort it takes to get them, after all, to make a rank 8 mod you need to get 5 rank 7 mods, which are like 50-250G a piece in the AH (depending on type) or extremely time consuming to get through fusion, even then the fusion chance is tiny, and if it suceeds the stat boost you get.

Champions! We're expanding the way Freeform slots work, starting today! From now on, when you purchase a Freeform slot (if you're not a Lifetime Subscriber), you'll be able to immediately apply that slot to an existing, non-Freeform character! Let's break down what that means:


Let's say you have three Non-Freeform character slots. You love one of your characters, Captain Hats, and you want to make him a Freeform Character, and really mess with his power sets. First, you purchase a Freeform slot at our new, lower prices. This will mean you now have four character slots, one of which is Freeform. Then, you apply the freeform slot to Captain Hats, making him a Freeform character, with all of the benefits. You'll still have four character slots, one of which is Freeform - Captain Hats. The other three, including your brand new slot, will be standard slots.

Slot Mod In Your Upgrade Champions Online

Slot Mod In Your Upgrade Champions online, free

Now that Freeform Slots are 3 for 6000 Zen, you can switch tons of your favorite characters at once! And of course, if you want all Freeform all the time, the best way is always to become a Lifetime Subscriber.

Slot Mod In Your Upgrade Champions Online Play

Charge ZEN now and pick up the latest items on the Z-Store, or get a Lifetime subscription and get bonuses including freeform power selection, Gold costume sets, and Veteran Rewards!

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