Perrelet uses cards to invite us to play poker according to its own rules – riddle style. The cards spread around the dial play hide and seek beneath the characteristic 12-blade wheel. As it rotates constantly due to the wrist movement, it is hard to view the deal. Blingy 007, patriotic America and the playful (in all meanings of the word) Perrelet Turbine Poker watch replica for men (ref. It looks like the Swiss watchmakers are keenly interested in all things that have anything to do with casinos, gambling and other aspects of dolce vita. As you may remember, this year alone.

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I’ve decided to start this blog to share with you my experience with creating relations between a human and a watch which, as it seems, might not always be easy 🙂

I had been thinking about a watch for a long time, but I used to say, smiling, that i would have to buy a watch that I could afford as the most of watches I liked were far too expensive. On the other hand I did not have any particular pressure to get a watch, at the beginning I was even considering buying a chain or an elegant bracelet:) I suddenly got inspired to have it, like other people suddenly want to have earrings, tattoos or other holes in their ears:) One day, while I was looking for something for myself I got an idea of a watch, especially that not long before one of my good mates showed me quire a nice model. What he showed me was in fact a YouTube video

Damn, nice bastard, I thought. Maybe I would go crazy and buy it? Prices different, starting somewhere around 14 000 PLN, but with some combinations regarding the purchase – somehow through Switzerland, with some mate as a middleman… Damn, I thought. I am buying something elegant for myself so I should do it in an elegant way, not using some special Polish combinations… I checked their representatives for Poland, and here they are! One of their saloons is even in Warsaw – CHRONO in Blue City shopping centre. I ran to the car and was immediately on my way there! I was excited as a little boy as I had never seen the turbine alive before. I didn’t want it to dissapoint me , especially that I watched also the other models of Perrelet:

  • black turbine also looks good,
  • Toxic would suit my daughter
  • erotic 🙂

I got to the place and here it IS! in the shopping window there was my poker too, among the others… The shop was closed (there was a signboard – I’m right back) but that wasn’t much of a problem, I was just glancing, watching, staring… After a while I decided to walk around Blue City mall. I came back after 20 minutes, it was already open. I got inside, exchanged greeting and other attentions with a shopkeeper, Mr Daniel as I believe – and I come to the point of my visit. Damn! Turbine Poker in real looks totally insane! Only it and nothing else! I look at the price – and there is over 27 thousand! Oh, shit, somewhere at my heart I am a Pole sly – for this much I am not going to be elegant:) However, after a few words with the shopkeeper the price got down to 19 000 PLN. Maybe even a belt with a red trimming I could get at this price, but at the moment it is not available. The shopkeeper will check and promises to let me know. OK, Thanks and bye for now. I already know that I need to see this model on my wrist. This and nothing else! I feel only a little bit uneasy because of the price… 145000 PLN for which I could have it after about three weeks of waiting (because of Switzerland and someone’s mate – a middleman:)) sounds better than 19000 pln.

A few day s passes, cash is organized. I made a decision that I am going to offer 18000 thousand to the shopkeeper. If he agrees, I will buy the watch today. If he refuses, we will but, together with a friend , those from Switzerland. We got a special price offer for these and we could have them for 14000o each. However, I don’t like waiting, and what’s more, this elegant way of making a purchase was really very important to me which in fact turned out to be an idiotism:) I should know that the seller is the same Pole sly as me. Elegance is a bullshit. It is just a business, man!

Fine, I’m phoning.

– Good morning, – morning. – I’m about this Perrelet,

– Oh yes, I was just to phone you about this belt with a red trimming…

– Ok, that’s unimportant, the belt can wait, i have an offer for you, for this Poker… I can give you 18000 for it because my wife – it’s really easy to blame the wife – found on the net that it is possible to get it for 14000 and if I pay for it more than 18000 it will finish with a divorce… 🙂

The seller says: Well, something has changed recently so maybe I would be able to offer you a better price… Wait a second… Well, yes, in fact I can offer it to you for 16500 !

Damn! It made me speechless! I am telling you that I will give no more than 18000 just a second ago, and he says fine, but gives even better price, 16500! Damn it:) Maybe I could cut the price even more but I was ashamed to try after all of that. Ok, I’m coming today and taking it 🙂

I come straight from work, just before 10 p.m.. on the day of my telephone conversation, just later. I’m buying! Card, cash, just as they want… There is only a little problem… The cash register does not work or something… OK, fine, the bill is written by hand. For me that’s not a problem, I can’t deduct VAT or anything…

OK, I got it! It’s marvellous, the fluorescence in this watch is just magic! It means that the hands and the numbers showing the time I a darker room are very subtle, climatic, you can feel these are not Chinese LEDs 🙂 All right, you must just see it, I can’t describe all of that precisely enough . I have a great mood. I add some extra points to my ego… If I fall one day from the level of my ego to the level of my IQ I will surely kill myself:)

It’s Thursday, 16th April 2015. Then Friday, a little work, my mug laughing all the time, Perrelet Turbine Poker on the wrist and at once, on the same day, one of my customers noticed it. Damn, I didn’t think that anyone will pay attention to it! Surely not so soon!

Saturday, 18th April 2015, I am sitting all morning at my computer, trying to catch up some o my work things. I am to go with a daughter to see her orthodontist. We have to leave at eleven. At 10.20 I hear from my daughter – dad, we must be leaving now! – How come? It’s only 10.20 – I have one more glance at my new watch… – No, it’s ten to eleven already! – Sara is shouting from her room. I look once again at Perrelet and shock! The second hand is not moving! Quick glance at the watch in the computer – in fact it’s 10.50. I got stunned! Seriously! I thought I would …, I would like to say something rather impolite but maybe it’s better if I keep it for myself. Can you imagine my way to the orthodontist? For the first hour I thought that it was me who was doing something wrong…Maybe I was mowing my hand too slightly?:)Maybe I did not tighten something properly… One hour for constant checking of these two things. Unfortunately, no reaction. The telephone to the seller. There isn’t my seller, only some girl… _Right, it doesn’t work? Wasn’t it lying for too long? I got frustrated. I’m coming to you. I’m shaking all over. The lady is meeting me with the face expression of a serious high-level government clerk who works as a punishment. She doesn’t know anything and till Monday can do nothing about it. I give the dead watch to her. Close inspection and accepting without any questions for the guarantee card of ORIS! with a note: Perrelet. Fine, I think, I did not get the brand bag of Perrelet, only Atlantis, I even did not get a normal bill, maybe this is a standard at this seller, or rather (but better not) at Perrelet, that you see trash on each side… All of this seems to be „half-funny”… You buy an expensive watch but you are surrounded by total amateurs all the time. _ My colleague will phone you on Monday, I heard for good-bye. And this is all:)

A little bit upset I wrote on a Polish watch forum to ask for advice more experienced watch-carriers and to ask what would they do if they were in my place…

The discussion finally turns to a light farce, someone misread something, I’m suggested that to put it gently , I am not exactly mentally fit, etc. 🙂 However, a man called Jash contacts me there. From what I read online this is a person associated with the Perrelet but more on that in a moment.

After placing the link to this blog on the forum I got literally massacred.. I am pitiful and stupid.

Probably I am, expecting serious attention from the side of a seller. Therefore I am making this blog. For the future clients of Perrelet. Maybe someone else is also looking for a watch, maybe for Turbine and maybe this person will have similar questions and doubts to mine – to buy in Poland, a little bit more expensive or to look for some methods to bring it from abroad. What kind of service you can expect… Uncle Google will surely help someone find my writings…

If I knew that the shop would not inform me about anything after making a complaint and that i would have to get some information from unofficial source of Jash from the internet forum, I would surely consider buying Turbine once again. For sure, I would never buy it in Poland again.

I supposed they will offer me an exchange for a new watch or refund of the money. I even didn’t want the refund of my cash, I wanted a watch. My request for exchange for another watch was not even commented. I don’t know if you remember, but the watch for almost 20 000 broke down just after 40 hours of work… I expected the call from the shop on Monday (I made a complaint on Saturday, it’s a weekend, you must wait…) Moreover, the lady from the shop promised that someone from them will contact me on Monday. But on Monday total silence… After 6 p.m. I asked Jash from the forum (who offered help before) to check out if there is any information about my case. His answer cleared up everything:


And when did you expect the shop to let you know? You made a complaint on Friday, yes?

The service is in Wroclaw, and you made a complaint in Warsaw, your watch even did not get to the service yet, not mentioning that it was not seen by the watchmaker yet… They sent it today, tomorrow it will be on the spot, but i have no idea at what time it will happen… For the next two days I will be at work so I hope to get some news what is going on.


Montre Perrelet Turbine Poker


So I learned that the watch will be repaired. Replacing for another copy? Refund of money? And just why? What do you mean, man? Statistics – had broken down and that’s it – you’re waiting for repairs – this I also learned from the forum. Nobody called me, not wrote, not informed why such a solution and not other. I have unleashed requirements? Probably . I came to terms with the situation and looked forward to some news. 23.04 ( the fourth working day after making a complaint) I got a message from Josh met at forum:


The watch is already repaired. It is being tested and around Tuesday it should be sent to the shop.

According to what the manager of the service told me, unfortunately in some watchmakers’ slang, it jumped out of pace, which means the fliop-flop jumped out of the anchor, which is on the left side:

I hope I helped a little.


Montre Perrelet Turbine Poker Player


Of course you helped because the shop did not talk to me at all… On the other hand I was sure that i have the right to get full information. However, the most important is the fact that the watch is repaired, the flip-flop jumped out of the anchor, I’ll accept every information as i know nothing about the watches… OK, let’s wait, what else cam we do, I’m waiting already a week, I can wait one more… On Wednesday 29 April 2015 the watch should reach the shop and then I will collect it from there.

In the meantime i Bought a replacement watch – Gino Rossi – for two hundred – just to wear, to accustom my wrist to the watch… I think on the forum they did not like it either… However, I can’t fully understand for what in fact they are punishing me there…

Wednesday 29.04.2015 – silence…. around midday i wrote to Jash, maybe he knows something. However, he knows only as much as he knew a week earlier :


I don’t know anything because I am not at work nowadays. As I told you before, it was to have some tests and later they were to send it to the shop.”

OK, so I have to phone the shop and ask them what is happening with my watch… They will surely not phone and Jash seems to have enough of me! On this day I did not phone. I hoped that the shop will realize they should do something and they would phone… Nothing more wrong that that:)

Thursday 30.04.2015 – silence until 1 p.m. So I phone myself.

– Good morning, I am calling to ask about my Turbine… – I’m talking with Daniel the shopkeeper – I was just about to phone you that the Perrelet came back from the service and is ready to be collected from the shop. – Super, I’ll be in the evening.

I reach CH Blue City, CHRONO shop, exchange of greetings. – Nobody contacted you? – aske the shopkeeper, amazed. – The people from the service told me that they would take care of it, that they would be in contact with you. Jash had never introduced himself officially, he did not say he is taking care of my case but maybe it was him… Of course, it’s true that he offered his help but this offer and my legal right to information and service are two separate things. I collected my Poker. I inspected it carefully – no scratches or other signs of damage – that’s really good because I even did not take any photos before giving them my watch two weeks earlier… This time I even got a normal bill from cash recorder, even the date of purchase was correct.

Perrelet Turbine Poker is a watch that captivated me. I have a little disgust when it comes to procedures and treatment of the customer but what can you do – it seems that it is just like that and you should not complain if you don’t want to get laughed or offended. That’s how I see it.

Montre Perrelet Turbine Poker Machine

Oh, and the friend who „infected” me with the watch idea and was to buy one through Switzerland has resigned from the purchase as far as now.. Maybe he needs to think it over once again…