Look at Kyle Bowker buying in for 25K, trying to get some of that Abdyl Konjuhi money before he heads back to Alaska. Poker Night in America brought to you by Kimo Sabe. Ace, Queen for Matt Russell, calls the straddle. A raise from Kyle Bowker with Queen, four. I have to come after my own money. I may have to object to my free straddle soon. Hand #157: Matt Russell shoved from the button and Dong Sheng Peng was sitting in the big blind. He looked at his cards and asked for a count. Russell confirmed he had 925,000 behind and Peng called. Matt Russell: Dong Sheng Peng: The board ran out for Russell to not get any help off the board as he was eliminated in seventh place for $59,645. Matt Russell, a 28-year-old real estate investor from Houston, was playing in his second-consecutive WSOP Circuit main event. He finished third at the Bayou Poker Challenge held last month in New.


It only took a few hands of heads-up play and it actually looked as though Matt Russell was slowly chipping away at the insurmountable deficit he faced. However, Russell raised to 125,000 on the button and Rick Troendly called from the big blind.

  • The hand starts off with Ken Aldridge “Teach” raising to $150 with 6 ♥ 5 ♥, Richardson calls with A ♣ 2 ♣, Dan Weinman calls with K ♦ Q ♠ and Matt Russell calls with 6 ♠ 3 ♣. The flop is 5 ♣ K ♦ 6 ♣ giving Aldridge two pair and Richardson a possible straight draw. Aldridge bets $600 and both Richardson and Weinman call.
  • Below are the results of the 2018 World Series of Poker. Matt Russell: $14,820 9th: Matt Woodward: $11,343 Event #42: $25,000 Pot Limit Omaha High Roller.

Matt Russell Poker

The flop came and Troendly checked to Russell who continued for 200,000. Troendly check-raised all in, putting Russell to the test for his remaining 1,600,000 chips. Russell thought for a minute before deciding to stick them in the middle.

Rick Troendly:
Matt Russell:

Despite flopping top pair, Russell was drawing slim with Troendly already having a flush. The turn was the to give Russell some hope but the on the river was not what he was looking for.

'We got it, baby!' Troendly shouted with his arms in the air. The two players shook hands and Russell headed to the payout desk to collect his runner-up prize.

Matthew Russell Poker

A full recap of the day's action will be posted shortly.