A number of big name players have falled by the wayside recently, they include: David O'Connor, Jude Ainsworth, James Walsh, Richard Milne Snr, Nick Abou Risk, Richard Evans, Thomas Kitt and Caicai Huang. 7:40pm: The numbers are in. The Trouble with Dee Dee (2005) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. I was fortunate enough to be able to make a last minute reservation and along with 2 of my friends, David O Connor and Chuck Fabian (@chuckfabian), we took the LUAS up to Stephens Green and made the 5 minute walk to Dax. Lead developer for casino software allowing poker rooms operators the ability to manage cash games, tournaments, waitlists and schedules in real time. Development was done in C#, KnockoutJS.NET.

  1. David O'connor Poker Game
  2. David O'connor Poker Show
  3. David O'connor Poker Player
  4. David O'connor Poker Club
@howardswains In UKIPT

2.05pm: Level over
That's the end of level 18 and dealers are now starting a chip-count of the remaining 29 stacks. The full details will be with you shortly, much like further coverage in a new post. -- HS

2pm: Air Jordan
Gary Jordan has had a good run in this tournament but he is now out. He re-raised all-in for 85,000 with A♦J♣ over the top of a 15,000 open from Ronan Gilligan. When it had folded back to Gilligan he looked pained, but announced call and showed A♣Q♥.

The 6♣6♦9♣ bought the possibility of a chopped pot into play as did the A♠ turn, but Jordan missed all his outs as the 7♦ completed the board. Gilligan is up to 400,000. -- NW

1.55pm: Don't pair the board! Oh.
Christoph Rüegg is out after flopping the joint, but then getting outdrawn. 'The flop was awesome,' he said as he watched his chips slid to Richard Haile. 'But I thought, 'Just don't pair the board.'

Rüegg had Q♥[10h] and so was loving the flop of J♦A♣K♣. Haile had every right to love it too. He was sitting with A♠J♥. All the chips went in there, but when the A♥ turned, that was the end of it for Rüegg. -- HS

Christoph Rüegg

1.45pm: Pollock fried
Adam Pollock's tournament is over. He picked the wrong time to squeeze and ended up running into David O'Connor's dominating hand. O'Connor started it, raising to 13,000 from the hijack. George Stewart called in the small blind, but Pollock shoved from the big for about 80,000.

O'Connor then announced that he was all in over the top of that, which quickly persuaded Stewart out of it.

O'Connor: A♦K♠
Pollock: A♣9♣

The first three cards came 8♠[10s]5♣. No help. The turn was Q♠. Pollock then thought for the tiniest moment that he had pulled off a tournament-saving outdraw when the 9♠ rivered. But he realised soon enough that that gave O'Connor a flush.

Pollock headed to the cash desk. -- HS

1.40pm: Payouts
Twenty-five players have been eliminated in the opening 100 minutes of play. We're trying our best to keep up with the admin and you can click here, to see who's finished where. Everyone left in is guaranteed €2,140 -- NW

1.35pm: Derks can't get it done
A feature of the opening two levels of play today is that a lot of dominating hands have lost and that's exactly what caused the demise of Richard Derks. He was all in for his last 47,000 with pocket sevens and found a caller in the shape of Hector Garcia Cabanillas who had A♣7♥. But, an ace on the flop sent the pot to the Spaniard.

There are 34 players left. -- NW

1.30pm: The calm before the storm
So far this afternoon, the play has mainly been about picking off the short stacks. But with so many massive piles now appearing in front of the remaining players, it seems certain that soon we're going to see a tournament defining showdown between two of the monsters.

Although the corner of table one housing Alan Gilmore, Aleksandras Rusinovas and Nick Abou Risk seems to be the most likely setting for this clash, there's also something very big brewing on table four, where Craig Burke and Joris Ruijs are neighbours. Both these guys have their stacks arranged in towers much taller than the standard 20 chips. And if they are actually stacked in 40s (it's impossible to tell) then Burke could be our tournament chip leader.

He has three spindly piles of blues, which may represent 600,000 right there, plus a similar amount of yellow. At a conservative estimate, he has 680,000. But more likely he has about 750,000.

Ruijs has about 500,000 of his own. Yeah, that could kick off at any moment. -- HS

1.20pm: Robinson squashed
William Robinson is the latest in a seemingly endless flurry of exits. He shoved the button for his last 93,000 with K♣[10s] and Thomas Hall called from the small blind with K♥Q♣ and the dominating hand stayed in front. -- NW

1.16pm: Haile's comet
Richard Haile is on the ever upward and has just doubled up through Aurimas Klastaitis. Haile started the day with only 29,000 but now has close to 200,000. This one was a straight race. Klastaitis opened from late position, Haile shoved for just less than 100,000 in the big blind and Klastaitis called. Haile had A♠K♣ to Klastaitis's 6♦6♠ and a king flopped. -- HS

Richard Haile

1.15pm: Two more eliminations
Nick Abou Risk is doing what he does best in UKIPT's running up a huge stack. He just eliminated Filip Hanusek, when his K♦Q♦ out drew Hanusek's A♦9♦ in a cut-off versus button battle for 140,000 each.

The board of K♠[10s]2♣4♥J♦ sees Risk pad his stack to around 550,000.

Meanwhile on the adjacent table Arnoud van der Werf is up to 380,000 after his A♣J♠ held against JP Whyte's A♠2♠ in a pot worth 135,000.

38 players remain. -- NW

1.10pm: Conroy doubles
Coilin Conroy lives to fight another day. He got his last 75,000 in pre-flop, open-shoving from early position, and was called by Hector Garcia Cabanillas. But Conroy's pocket nines were better than Cabanillas's pocket eights and the board blanked. Conroy now has 165,000, while Cabanillas is still comfortably over the 250,000 mark. -- HS

1.08pm: Three big stacks in a row
Aleksandras Rusinovas has just moved his mammoth 700,000 stack to the seat in between Alan Gilmore (450,000) and Nick Abou Risk (400,000). If two of them clash that could create one uber-stack. -- NW

That's how most people feel if they have Nick Abou Risk to their left

1.05pm: Big slick not good enough for Haskic
A♥K♠ is a good enough hand to get any size stack in the middle pre-flop, and certainly good enough for Omer Haskic to get his last 70,000-ish in. He was in good shape against Joris Ruijs's J♥K♣, until a 9♦6♣[10d]J♦8♦ board ruined that. Haskic is our next man out. We have 40 still playing. -- HS

LEVEL UP: BLINDS 3,000-6,000 500 ante

1.03pm: David O'Connor doubles through Thomas Hall
'What can I do,' sighed Thomas Hall as he counted out 187,500 to pass to dealer, who passed them over to David O'Connor. Hall had found A♥Q♥ on the button, only for O'Connor to pick up kings in the big blind.

Inevitably the chips flew in, the flop of [10c]K♦[10h] connected fairly well with O'Connor's hand and although the A♦ turn gave him a sweat the river was the 6♠. Hall slips to around 250,000. -- NW

1pm: Roberts riding high
And now Andrew Hulme is out, running A♦Q♦ into Joe Roberts's A♥K♦ and getting no help. We'll be getting full chip counts at the end of every two levels, and that will be the best way to keep accurately in touch with the state of play.

Roberts has something like 400,000 now, although he is still stacking. -- HS

Good start to the day for Joe Roberts

12.58pm: Risk and Roberts rewarded
Both Nick Abou Risk (as reported below) and Joe Roberts have had a good opening 50 minutes, Risk is up to 400,000 from 278,500 and Roberts is up to 250,000 from 114,000. -- NW

12.55pm: World of hurt for Hirzer
Patrick Hirtzer and Nick Abou Risk got it in, with Abou Risk comfortably covering Hirtzer. Hirtzer did have the best hand: J♦J♥, but Abou Risk's K♠9♥ found help on a board of K♣[10h]2♠[10s]A♣ and sent Hirtzer out. -- HS

12.50pm: Exits
It's not been a good day for players with the surname Ward. John has now followed Thomas out the big door marked exit as have Tim Slater and Simon Hahn.

44 players remain. -- NW

12.45pm: Connolly loses flip, out
This hand actually happened before the elimination of Kevin Connolly, described below. It is the one that crippled him. After Colin Myott made an early position raise, Joe Roberts moved all in for 85,500. This prompted Kevin Connolly to shove over the top of that and sent Myott into the tank. He eventually folded. That just left the two of them:

Connolly had A♠K♣ and Roberts had pocket tens. The board ran 8♥4♣7♣2♥9♦ leaving Connolly with a micro-stack. He got it in on the next hand, already described at 12.40pm. -- HS

12.40pm: The ups and downs of Colin Myott
Colin Myott was up to 145,000 after eliminating Kevin Connolly. It was another all-in pre-flop race, with Myott holding A♣5♦ and Connolly K♥J♠, the 5♣2♦4♦9♥A♥ board ensuring his hand held up.

But just a couple of hands later Myott doubled up JP Whyte. The latter shoved for 45,000 with 9♥8♦, Myott called with A♣K♣ but the board ran J♥9♦2♦9♥K♦ to knock him down to 90,000 and boost Whyte to a similar amount. -- NW

12.35pm: Paging Dean Lyall
If anyone knows Dean Lyall, you might want to give him a call and tell him day three of UKIPT Galway has been under way for half an hour. Lyall hasn't yet showed up to take control of his 312,000 stack. It'll take a good long while for that to be blinded away, but it would be a shame to see that happen.

In unrelated news, there was a player's party last night in Galway. Several people have sore heads, and some lost theirs entirely:

Not quite Headless Body in Topless Bar but close

12.30pm: Crowe flown
Austin Crowe is the latest player to get his short stack in, and get knocked out. Crowe had about 70,000 and A♣9♠ but ran into Adrian Cawley's K♠K♥ and the board offered no help. We're down to 50 already today. -- HS

12.25pm: Out like Flynn
Gavin Flynn is the latest man to bust out of UKIPT Galway, he moved in for 45,000 with [10d]9♦ and was called by Christoph Rüegg who had A♥J♠. A board of A♣K♠8♥Q♥[10c] gave the pot to the man from Switzerland and boosted his stack to over 200,000.

UKIPT Edinburgh finalist Thomas Ward is also out. -- NW

12.20pm: Conor Power eliminated in 55th place (€1,420)
This was a pretty sick way to go.

I caught the action from the turn and with the board showing K♥[10c]J♦2♥ Conor Power bet 37,000 into a pot of 45,000. His opponent, Thomas Hall min-raised him to 74,000 and Power moved in for 20,000 more, which Ward called.

Power: K♦[10s] - two pair
Hall: K♣Q♣ - one pair and an open ended straight draw

The river was the A♣ and Power said something I can't repeat on the blog as he suffered an outdraw to send him to the rail, Hall is now up to around 400,000. -- NW

12.15pm: Rush to the door
We haven't quite seen the elimination epidemic of yesterday's first level, but they are still flying out the door today. Matthew McKinlay, Joe O'Toole and David Phelan all preceded David Cleary out the door, and since then Conor Power has also departed. -- HS

David o

12.10pm: Cleary down; Ward up
The man making the big move so far today is John Ward, who has just sent David Cleary out. They got it all in pre-flop - I'm not sure how the action actually played out - but Ward had A♣Q♣ versus Cleary's 7♣7♦.

Ward found plenty of encouragement on the 3♦4♣2♣ flop, but the Q♠ turn was actually enough. The 3♣ river was just the icing on the cake.

Ward takes Cleary's 100,000-ish and now has more than 330,000 of his own. -- HS

12.05pm: Double up for Haile
Richard Haile was the shortest stack coming back today and it didn't take him long to get his six big blinds in the middle. He found pocket nines and a willing caller in the shape of Matthew Mckinlay who had A♥6♥.

The flop of 8♣9♣8♦ was pretty conclusive and the turn and river changed nothing, Haile up to almost 70,000 now. -- NW

11.55am: Down to eight
Morning all. It's day three at UKIPT Galway, and we will spend the next eight hours or so finding out which of the 59 remaining players will make it through to the final table of eight.

Who knows how long it will take, but we'll be here for the duration whatever. They will play eight handed all the way down to the last nine, then they will gather that lot around one slab of felt before waiting for one more elimination.

The full starting counts today are on the chip-count page. And the breakdown of the prizes is on the prizewinners page.

They're all chasing Happy Gilmore at the moment. Stick with us to see if he can be overhauled. -- HS

Alan Gilmore, leader going into day three

Reporting team in Galway: Howard Swains and Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May.

@PokerStars In UKIPT

9:35pm: Silver leads heading to Day 2
Play has ended for Day 1A. Max Silver finished clear of the pack with a monstrous 311,700. A full wrap of the day's play will be up on the blog shortly. -- MC

9:15pm: Last five hands
The tournament clock had been paused and each table will play five more hands before play concludes for the night. -- MC

9:10pm: Silver biggest amongst the big
There are currently seven stacks who sit above the 104,600 that Noel McMahon finished with on Day 1A. A familiar face in is a league all on his own though.

Max Silver has 220,000 chips after he forced Thomas Dunwoodie off his hand in a big pot.

Silver was in the small blind and bet 19,200 on the turn of a 5♣9♣J♣7♦ board. Dunwoodie took a long time to make a difficult fold.

The other big stacks are:

Robert Schulz - 130,000
Alain Bauer - 125,000
Deborah Worley-Roberts - 115,000
Marc Kennedy - 112,000
Ilmari Sukanen - 110, 000
Edward Gascoigne - 110,000
-- MC

8:45pm: Happy go lucky Barrable
Peter Barrable is happy, and lucky, guy after cracking an opponent's aces to double up.

Svein Eidseter opened from under the gun and was called in the next seat before Barrable squeezed all in for 17,000 from one more seat along. Eidseter was the only caller and the cards were flipped up.

Eidseter: A♥A♦
Barrable: 3♥3♦

Barrable was getting ready to leave before a cry of ooohs and ahhhhs made him sit down again. He had flopped a set on a 7♠4♥3♣7♥8♣ board. -- MC

8:40pm: Dunwoodie's fine wine
'Three more wines and I'm raising,' said Thomas Dunwoodie as he contemplated a river raise from Javed Ullah. There was a complete board of 7♥5♦4♠6♠6♦ on the felt and Dunwoodie had bet 9,000, only for Ullah to raise to 19,000. The Geordie had peeled two 5k chips off his stack, he was leaning forward staring at the board (the table is one of those that is not well lit) and was trying to work out what to do. 'You raise the minimum and I'm definitely calling,' said Dunwoodie.

Eventually he said the three more wines line again and made the call, Ullah showed 4♣4♦ for a full-house but Dunwoodie had 5♣5♠ for a bigger full-house. Pot to Dunwoodie who now has 105,000, whist Ullah is down to 90,000. -- NW

8:30pm: Level 7 unlucky for some
The rate of eliminations continued to be steady. The Main Event said goodbye to Joe Grech, Joao Silva, Chihao Tsang, John O'Boyle, Michael Broschek, Seamus Doherty, Patrick McCloskey, John Trayner, Sean Donalsdson, James Waldron, Denis Croke, Jacob Stafford, Jaxi Kiernan, Gregory Cooke, Kevin Whelan, Robert Murphy, Adam Forsyth, Timothy Reisner, Neil Mackay, Timothy O'Sullivan, Nobert Berent, Viktor Celikovsky, Jarlath Kilgallon, Simon Hemsworth, Cahal Heapes, Marc Hunter and Kristina Cullen. -- MC

LEVEL UP: BLINDS 400-800, 100

8:20pm: How go Team Pro?
Team PokerStars Pro, Team PokerStars Online and Full Tilt Poker Ambassadors have all been well represented on Day 1B of UKIPT4 Dublin. Whilst Mickey Petersen and Jake Cody fell early on, the rest have stuck around.

Leading the way from this select bunch, as things stand, is Martins Adeniya, he's got 54,000. Fellow Full Tilt Poker Ambassador Sin Melin has 37,000 whilst Dermot Blain has 25,500. Team PokerStars Online's Dale Philip has 16,600 whilst a search for Liv Boeree was unsuccessful and indeed a look at the exits slips reveals that she's out. -- NW

Boeree has busted out

8:11pm: Silver going for gold; chip leader with almost 140,000
'I think I'm winning,' said a grinning Max Silver to, amongst others, two-time UKIPT champion Joeri Zandvliet who was railing him. And indeed Silver is as he's up to 139,000 after eliminating David Lappin.

Zandvliet recounted the action to me and told me that pre-flop there was a raise under-the-gun, Silver three-bet with pocket jacks, Lappin then four-bet, the original raiser folded and Silver tanked before calling. On the J♥9♥4♥ flop Lappin bet roughly 13,000, from a stack of 35,000, into a pot of 17,000, Silver moved all-in and Lappin called with A♥[K]. The board bricked out and as a result Lappin was sent to the rail. A for Silver he's already well ahead of the 104,600 that Noel McMahon finished on at the end of Day 1A- NW

Sliver - had Mickey Petersen for company earlier

8:10pm: Time off in Lu
Roger Lu is another Rational Group employee enjoying his day out of the office. His stack rose over the 50k-mark after he eliminated Jamie Dale.

Lu opened to 1,275 from under the gun and was called by Sin Melin a couple of seats along before Dale moved all in for 7,100 from the cut-off. Lu took his time before calling and that was enough to oust Melin.

David O

Lu: A♠A♣
Dale: 6♠6♣

The board ran K♥K♦Q♣3♠7♦. Dale was on his way before the river was dealt. -- MC

David o

8pm: All out Stevie
Stevie 'allinstevie' Devlin hasn't played a live poker tournament for around a year after the birth of his first child. Obviously he had other priorities but even Devlin couldn't resist this trip across the Irish border.

Unfortunately for him though, he busted a short while ago.

'Two outed to bust. Some things never change!' he commented. -- MC

7:45pm: Recent exits
A number of big name players have falled by the wayside recently, they include: David O'Connor, Jude Ainsworth, James Walsh, Richard Milne Snr, Nick Abou Risk, Richard Evans, Thomas Kitt and Caicai Huang. -- NW

7:40pm: The numbers are in
The tournament staff have been busy crunching the numbers and I can tell you that a total of 456 players entered the fray today. This means that the total number of runners for UKIPT4 Dublin is 682!

The €350,000 guarantee has been well and truly craicked! We'll bring you details on the prize pool when we receive that information. -- NW

7:37pm: A view from the other side, with Rick Dacey
It's been really great to see how much fun the Rational Group employees are having in this tournament. It offers the blog an almost unique opportunity to get their perspective of the event. In the dinner break we caught up with PokerStars Staff Writer Rick Dacey, who knows all about this tour.

'It's pretty amazing to be given the opportunity to come and play one of these events as I've covered 50/60 UKIPTs, EPTs and LAPTs. It's obviously very easy watching from the sidelines whereas in the heat of the moment you can make great decisions and very poor ones as well. It's really interesting and I'm really enjoying it.

Dacey enjoying life on the other side of the rope

'I felt like I was playing pretty well to start with and got up to 30k. Then I had one hand where I knew exactly what I was doing up until the point where I did something entirely different and got married to jacks and lost about 25k in one hand. From there I went from 4k to 48k in about five hands!

'It's been good fun and I think my declaration that I'd be the value in this tournament seems to be holding true.'

7:26pm: Back from the break
Level seven is now underway, during an earlier break Nick Wealthall caught up with the Irish Player of the Year Dermot Blain to talk about poker in Ireland.

Blinds up: 300/600, ante 75

6:45pm: Dinner break
The remaining players are now on a 45 minute dinner break. Let the rush for food commence. -- NW

6:40pm: Lawlor busts just before the break

Poker is a cruel game, just ask Richie Lawlor who's gone from hero to zero in short order.

Had 40k 3 hands later I'm busto. Didn't play my best today. Good luck to everyone in #UKIPTDublin

— Richie Lawlor (@LawlorRichie) February 28, 2014

6:35pm: Exits
We've lost over a 100 players today the latest exits include: Andrew Carlin, Justin Boyle, Jim O'Neill, Jamie Walden, Cosimo Sabatini, Filip Pettersen, James Williams, Sabot Jurgen, Luke Cerklewicz, James Clarke, Eoin Starr, Colum Horan, Mark Baxter, Daniel Perkusic, Gerard Lenihan, Paul Brown, Robert Campbell, Garret Quinless, Dean Clay, Mady Cherit, Michal Plichta, Robert Machin, Berivan Dag, Morten Eriksen, Keith Rolfe...

Robert Godmon, Rob Yong, John Law, Velasco Olalla, Neil Ryder, Neil Raine, Rudy Raveyts, Tom Gallagher, Brendan McNulty, Sven Ellrich, Anthony Faisca, Matthew Eiler-Gadsden, Andrew King, Frank Romanello, Nick Slade, Jose Pereira, Patrice Brandt, Paul McCaffrey, Ben Glanton, Joao Magalhaes, Krzysztof Stuchlik, Val Colleran, Ciaran Burke, Carlos Diaz, Vinny Gavin, Ronan Gilligan, Tamas Fuhl and Rupom Pal. -- NW

6:25pm: Blain doing a Dacey!
Dermot Blain has taken inspiration from Rick Dacey and taken an orbit to get his tournament back on track. --MC

Weeeee 5k to 36k In under an orbit 😎!! #UKIPTDublin

— Dermot Blain (@dermotblain) February 28, 2014

6:17pm: Bluffing for her Sins?
Sin Melin has dropped back to 35,000 after she failed to force Craig Grant off his hand.

The Full Tilt Poker Ambassador fired 1,200 on the flop and 2,075 on the turn before both players checked the river. The final board read J♣A♦6♥2♦A♠ and Grant opened A♥4♥ for trips.

Melin looked a little down but at least she has more chips than Elena Stover. Her former neighbour busted recently. -- MC

6:05pm: Chip counts
Here's another round-up of how some of the name's and notables are getting on in UKIPT4 Dublin: Dale Philip (14,000), David Lappin (44,500), Duncan McLellan (48,500), Mick McCloskey (38,000), Dermot Blain (4,900), Gary Clarke (11,300), Nick Wealthall (33,000), Owen Robinson (32,500), Jason Beazley (24,000), Andrew Dwyer (53,000), Lee Jones (47,000), Eldon Orr (27,000), Ian Bruce (18,000), Jamie Dale (13,000)...

Blain is bowling along

Jason Barton (27,000), Joe Grech (24,000), Nick Abou Risk (14,500), Peter Barrable (23,000), Richard Evans (10,000), Ludovich Geilich (34,000), Martins Adeniya (44,500), Sam Holden (42,000), Sarne Lightman (34,000), Simon Hemsworth (15,000), Liv Boeree (15,300), Tom Hall (6,000), Emmett Mullin (19,000), David O'Connor (18,000) Jack Salter (42,000) and Daniel Stacey (65,000). -- NW

Salter has a decent stack

5:55pm: Chip leaders
There are lots of big stacks beginning to emerge here on Day 1B. One of those is Max Silver, the UKIPT1 Dublin champion has 80,000 and told me: 'I'm running good and I coolered someone with aces against eights on a 9-9-8-A-4 board.'

Deboarh Worley-Roberts is another in possession of a big stack, 'I had 87,000 but I've only got 75,000 now after losing a flip,' she said whilst pulling a sad face. Full Tilt Poker Tour Ambassador Sin Melin has 66,000 but they all trail Ilmari Sukanen, the Finn has 84,000. -- NW

Max Silver - running good and playing good

5:50pm: Who dunnit?
There has been a little bit of controversy over on table 6 after marked cards were found for a third time, meaning a third deck change.

Floor man Olivier warned the players over their conduct and that penalties will be handed out if any of them are caught doing.

Veteran player Joe Grech asked his table mates, 'Come on, who is it? In 20 years of playing, I've never seen this!' -- MC

LEVEL UP: BLINDS 200-400, 50

5:30pm: Adeniya and Dacey Rocking
Martins Adeniya and Rick Dacey are cruising with stacks of 55,000 and 48,000 respectively.

Adeniya is doing his usual thing by bashing up his table left, right and centre.

Dacey on the other hand had to rely on an amazing recovery. He was down to 4,000 after he admitted playing jacks like the journalist he is, before soaring to 48,000 in one orbit of play! -- MC

5:15pm: No invite for Stover and Melin as Higgins gets maximum
Neil Higgins is a happy chappy after finding a great squeeze spot to more than double up.

Joao dos Santos raised to 650 from mid position and was called by Elena Stover (cut-off) and Sin Melin (button) before Higgins moved all in for 5,550. Dos Santos made a quick call and that was enough to see off the two ladies.

Dos Santos: K♥J♦
Higgins: J♣J♠

The board ran 7♦5♠6♥T♦5♦ to safely see the jacks hold. -- MC


5pm: Ainsworth going well
Jude Ainsworth is top of the Irish Online Poker Rankings but he's no slouch in the live arena either having racked up almost $700,000 in live tournament winnings over the years. And he's off to a good start here in Dublin.

Just starting level 5, got 42k from 20k starting. 8 levels of play today. #UKIPTDublin

— Jude Ainsworth (@jthaddeus13) February 28, 2014

4:50pm: More than just a Kitt man
Tom Kitt is known to many people on this fair isle as a singer-songwriter; to those in the poker industry he's known as a bit of a shark across the baize. He came third in this very event back in Season 1.

The blog grabbed a quick word with him in the break to see how's he's getting on at his tough table that includes Tom Hall and Dermot Blain.

'You definitely dig a little deeper in the hometown. It was going really well there as I got up to 40k, but I'm back down to 23,000 now.

David O'connor Poker Game

'My table's pretty good although I have Tom Hall and Dermot sat there. At least they're miles away from me and they're hating life. Tom came in late and he won his first pot just now, which was a blind steal!

'I know how capable those guys are but they're playing pretty tight, and there a good bit of value on the rest of the table, so I'm pretty happy with it overall.' -- MC

4:45pm: A catch up with Liv Boeree
On the first break of the day UKIPT Host Nick Wealthall caught up with Liv Boeree. They discussed her recent trip to Australia to play the Aussie Millions and her deep run at UKIPT Edinburgh.

David O'connor Poker Show

4:41pm: Keep the alternates coming
Alternates continue to take their seats here in Dublin - 70 alternates have been seated thus far - that's because the number of bustouts noticeably picked up during level 4. Among those to be sent to the rail were: Team PokerStars Online's Mickey Petersen, Keith Shannon, Tomasz Wrobel, Robert Finlay, Aaron Fletcher, Mateusz Zbikowski, Charles Leece, Trish Mallin, Kestutis Gecevicius, Jakub Szczotka, Teemu Hietaharju, Ferghal Keane, Chris Derrick, Brendan Keenan, Noel O'Brien, Louis Salter, David La Ronde, David Caffrey, Paul Monaghan, Adam Fallon and Derek Murray are all out.

David O'connor Poker Player

Cards are back in the air, they'll be a 45-minute dinner break at the end of level six. -- NW

Mickey Petersen - one of many to have fallen

David O'connor Poker Club

PokerStars Blog reporting team at PokerStars UKIPT Dublin: Marc Convey and Nick Wright. Photos by Danny Maxwell.